Our Team
Fr. Joe Acanfora
Joseph Acanfora, is an ordained priest in the Anglican Church of North America. Joe has served as head pastor/rector at Christ Church, Gilbertsville, NY and Church of the Apostles, Fairfax, Virginia. With a heart for mission and reaching the next generation, Joe has served in missional ministries in New Orleans, Kenya, inter-cities and on college campuses and with local youth groups. Joe has a passion for ministering the healing work of Jesus under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Christ Church, Gilbertsville was a re-start of a floundering parish which is still growing and thriving today. While at Church of the Apostles, Joe led the congregation in re-planting in a new neighborhood and eventually developing a new property to be the new home of Apostles. Also in his tenure there, the Church of the Apostles facilitated two new church plants in the region, while Joe served as part of the Great Commission Committee of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, the church-planting arm of the diocese. Preceding his shift to full time ordained ministry in 2006, he worked in the Information Technology Industry in executive positions at LML Technologies and ADP, as well as independent consulting though his own company, Autoperformance LLC. This career in sales and marketing spanned over twenty-five years. Joe and his wife Beth have been joyfully married since 1983 and have three grown sons and one daughter, and three grandchildren. He enthusiastically strives to serve his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and has a heart to serve those in need, and walk alongside others as they grow in discipleship and leadership. Joe and Beth happily reside in Clear Creek County, CO and enjoy the mountains and outdoor lifestyle. In his spare time you might find Joe fly-fishing one of the beautiful bodies of water in Colorado or elsewhere. Joe loves teaching and guiding others in his favorite sport. Joe also currently serves part-time as a hospice chaplain, and is involved with rural church planting in Colorado.

Phone - 720-907-7726
Email - pastorjoe.coa@icloud.com
Kevin Skillern

Kevin Skillern is a church planter, missionary, and curate at Idaho Springs Anglican Fellowship. He spent a good portion of his early years in ministry on mission in the music scene, writing songs as an entryway into the faith for those who are skeptical or disenchanted. Kevin also served in worship at multiple churches in Tulsa, OK and has led bible studies and home groups with his wife Adrienne in their home. He and Adrienne have been married for 15 years and are the parents of three girls. They are caregivers for their oldest, Naomi, who has cerebral palsy. And their younger two, Isla and Flora, are twins. Kevin has a Bachelor's in Fine Arts and Minor in Humanities from Northeastern State University and an Anglican Studies Certificate from St. Paul's House of Formation. Upon completion of his studies in the summer of 2023, Kevin and Adrienne felt the Lord calling them to Colorado. A year later, they are overjoyed to be here planting a church in Idaho Springs and serving with a wonderful team. In their free time, Kevin and Adrienne love to get outdoors with their family. They enjoy bluegrass music and a little bit of everything else too. They are unbounded lovers of Jesus and are passionate about creating hospitable spaces where folks can experience and grow in Christ in community.
Email - kevinjskillern@gmail.com